Admin can mark C2 request as approved
Closed this issue · 1 comments
mtorres253 commented
As an admin, I want to be able to manually approve a C2 request if the C2 integration fails.
- Scenario: Admin sees "Approve C2 Request" button for auction awaiting C2 approval
- Given I am an authenticated admin
- And there is a draft auction
- And that auction has a C2 request
- And that auction is awaiting approval
- When I go to the auction show page ([id])
- Then I should see in the auction status box a button labeled "Approve C2 Request"
- Scenario: Admin manually approves C2 Request
- Given I am an authenticated admin
- And there is a draft auction
- And that auction has a C2 request
- And that auction is awaiting approval
- And I am on the auction show page ([id])
- When I click on the "Approve C2 Request" in the auction status box
- Then the C2 request for that auction should be approved
- And the system should stop checking for approval of that C2 request
- And all existing jobs should be canceled
harrisj commented
I'm not really sure how I missed this one