
Admin view - Needs Attention - Not Delivered section

mtorres253 opened this issue · 0 comments

So that I can keep track of auctions that have not been delivered, as an admin, I should see a section on the "Closed Auctions" page containing auctions that were not delivered


  • Given I am an authenticated admin
  • Scenario: Admin sees "Not Delivered" section on "Closed" auctions page
  • When I go to the "Closed" page https://micropurchase.18f.gov/admin/auctions/closed
  • Then I should see a section labeled "Not Delivered"
  • Scenario: Zero state for "Not Delivered" section
  • And there are no auctions that have been marked as "Not Delivered"
  • When I go to the "Closed" page
  • Then I should see the following message in the "Not Delivered" section

There are no auctions that have not been delivered

  • Scenario: Admin sees auctions marked as not delivered in "Not Delivered" section
  • And there are auctions that have been marked as "Not Delivered"
  • When I navigate to the "Closed" page
  • Then I should see those auctions listed in a table in the "Not Delivered" section
  • And the table should have a column labeled Column Label
  • And for each auction I should see Column Value in that column
Column Label Column Value
Auction title Title of auction
Auction End Date End date of auction (mm/dd/yy hh:mm ET)
Winning Vendor Vendor name or GitHub name