
Create a high level deck, complete with demos

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Stemming from today's program update with Phil, he pointed out some timely and useful conversations that we should have soon with OMB (and, also TTS leadership). He suggested a simple artifact that would be easy to pass around and digest. Let's discuss, but the rough vision is for a 5-10 page slide deck that outlines the program, says what it can do, says how it operates, and gives some examples of the data coming out of it, with links.


  • what is the program called?
  • what is its elevator pitch
  • what are the numbers of X in it?
  • what are the more detailed descriptions of what it scans
  • high level info - how often runs, how often updated, who is using
  • upcoming work

Further ideas:

  • policy hooks
  • 'the process'
  • the url
  • how do stakeholders use it (illustrate a specific use-case)

Noting that we figured we'd do a Master Slides with slides kept up-to-date there that could be pulled out into other presentations.

Noting that we figured we'd do a Master Slides with slides kept up-to-date there that could be pulled out into other presentations.