
No Dispute Action label for signalling proposal or decisions.

willjgriff opened this issue · 1 comments

Can this dispute https://celeste-rinkeby.1hive.org/#/disputes/4 show the Disputed Action title or at least link to the disputed action in the Honey Pot? I believe it should be related to this signalling proposal: https://honey-pot-git-disputable-version-1hive.vercel.app/#/proposal/10

Also this vote https://honey-pot-git-disputable-version-1hive.vercel.app/#/vote/1 is associated with this dispute https://celeste-dashboard.vercel.app/#/disputes/5 but there's no link back to it in the "Disputed Action" label:
Screenshot 2021-03-18 at 13 58 16

Also what's the deal with the "Failed to load" message that happened for one proposal during the QA party? I see the proposal has a Disputed Action now, should that error be fixed?

Will check if we have a way to fetch the proposal metadata from the subgraph, unfortunately this will not be a general solution, since the honeypot subgraph only tracks our DAO.

We could actually have a mapping of arbitrable => function for extracting metadata/description. Currently the mapping is disputableApp name => function to extract metadata/description but we could make it more granular with the first mapping described. Any other organization pluging in to Celeste, should afterwards make a PR or tell us how their metadata is fetched.

Also what's the deal with the "Failed to load" message that happened for one proposal during the QA party? I see the proposal has a Disputed Action now, should that error be fixed?

Yeah this issue is definitely odd, it's basically erroring on convictionVoting.getProposal(disputableActionId). Will get it sorted out.