

ETHisMoney opened this issue · 0 comments

  • [X ] I understand that token listing is not required to use the Honeyswap Interface with a token.
  • [X ] I understand that filing an issue or adding liquidity does not guarantee addition to the Honeyswap default token list.
  • [X ] I will not ping the Discord about this listing request.

Please provide the following information for your token.

Token Address on xDai or Polygon: 0x424e0a7d790a5334e4905FBb4A8211f3953587D6
Token Name (from contract): NFTsDAO
Token Decimals (from contract): 18
Token Symbol (from contract): NFTS
Honeyswap Pair Address of Token: 0x51CDEF04d00572113EDd8f61cD39E1ED4acF496A
Token image (logoURI, only PNG and JPG): https://custom-images.strikinglycdn.com/res/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_9000,w_1920,f_auto,q_auto/2583759/138435_709498.png

Link to the official homepage of token: https://www.nftsdao.com/
Link to CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko page of token (if any):