Publish to open.aragonpm.eth
Closed this issue · 5 comments
0xGabi commented
Start using a fork of the aragon/deployment
0xGabi commented
aragon apm publish major --environment rinkeby
✔ Check IPFS
✔ Applying version bump (major)
✔ Deploy contract
✔ Determine contract address for version
✔ Building frontend
✔ Prepare files for publishing
✔ Generate application artifact
✔ Publish
✔ Fetch published repo
✔ Successfully published v1.0.0:
ℹ Contract address: 0x983A3F1fC2B475c56e39a4B84835eB1c71D7a8DF
ℹ Content (ipfs): QmSuYRvGferqyupp4bsuTkfqrn21v96rW4jYoBPzt3DRtU
ℹ Transaction hash: 0x7f1e08fa2dc04dd99f4340ff6292e32160617e3bc67837bb567db1f5872e3ea3
0xGabi commented
aragon apm publish patch --files dist --environment rinkeby --build false
✔ Check IPFS
✔ Applying version bump (patch)
✔ Determine contract address for version
✔ Prepare files for publishing
✔ Generate application artifact
✔ Publish
✔ Fetch published repo
✔ Successfully published v1.0.1:
ℹ Contract address: 0x983A3F1fC2B475c56e39a4B84835eB1c71D7a8DF
ℹ Content (ipfs): QmVZZvrqMtHERR9THDyCkgr3K7BnxGvSNUHyfZ6Tvp2vSU
ℹ Transaction hash: 0xbc8231684dbf5b74101e7787b105596bfe2edc575359063c410ce0300b067c05
0xGabi commented
I think we should consider to update the initialize function to not include the array of addresses. Right now is not possible to use an array option on the aragonCLI so this change will improve the workflow when trying to install from aragonPM
lkngtn commented
I think we should consider to update the initialize function to not include the array of addresses. Right now is not possible to use an array option on the aragonCLI so this change will improve the workflow when trying to install from aragonPM
Agree, its not necessary in initialization and its not difficult to add tokens after the app is installed. 👍
0xGabi commented
New publish after initialize
function changes:
aragon apm publish major --files dist --environment rinkeby
✔ Check IPFS
✔ Applying version bump (major)
✔ Deploy contract
✔ Determine contract address for version
✔ Building frontend
✔ Prepare files for publishing
↓ Generate application artifact [skipped]
→ Using existent artifact
✔ Publish
✔ Fetch published repo
✔ Successfully published v2.0.0:
ℹ Contract address: 0x9eFa4e8903E2071987BD8877Ab012a1701469Bf7
ℹ Content (ipfs): QmWrEGFMYcmHfhLJduVpXrZtrvBErgM1ivAWP8k8z5LR1D
ℹ Transaction hash: 0x3b2021d3accf610285b6ff1b48c9ee79d14c3a9e65282ea00634f60a9ea14e68