
README example, how to get to result files?

egberts opened this issue · 9 comments

I ran the example on Debian 11 (Bullseye):

git clone https://github.com/1N3/BlackWidow.git
cd BlackWidow
docker build -t blackwidow .
docker run -it blackwidow -h htttps://egbert.net/

Seems to build and run fine. Got a bunch of analyzed reports made.

And got the following ending:


[+] Loot Saved To: 

Then back in the main shell:

~/work/github# cd /usr/share/blackwidow/egbert.net_80
-bash: cd: /usr/share/blackwidow/egbert.net_80: No such file or directory

But no way to get access to the reports. Did I misread the README?

1N3 commented

Hi, looks like you ran docker run -it blackwidow -h htttps://egbert.net/ with the help flag which doesn't scan, it just shows the help screen. I also noticed you have an extra "t" in htttps which could also cause problems.

Try docker run -it blackwidow -u https://egbert.net/

Ooops, that is multiple typos on my part.

I just re-ran it and got the same result.

[+] Dynamic URL's Discovered: 

[+] Form URL's Discovered: 

[+] Unique Dynamic Parameters Discovered: 

[+] Sub-domains Discovered: 

[+] Emails Discovered: 

[+] Phones Discovered: 

[+] Loot Saved To: 
# cd /usr/share/blackwidow/egbert.net_80/
-bash: cd: /usr/share/blackwidow/egbert.net_80/: No such file or directory

Also, I noticed that the following output were highlighted in RED foreground color:

[+] Loot Saved To:

1N3 commented

Just realized this is HTTPS, so the correct command is actually docker run -it blackwidow -u https://egbert.net:443/

Same result. Loot Save To: .... nowhere.


docker run -it blackwidow -u https://egbert.net:443/


cat /tmp/docker.log 
Script started on 2020-10-03 15:34:53-04:00 [TERM="xterm-256color" TTY="/dev/pts/1" COLUMNS="80" LINES="24"]
root@arca:~/work/github/BlackWidow# docker run -it blackwidow -u https://egbert.net:443/

              .'    '.
             /   __   \ 
          ,  |   ><   |  ,
         . \  \      /  / .
          \_'--`(  )'--'_/
@xer0dayz  /  /` '' `\  \ 
             |        |
              \      /

 + -- --=[ https://xerosecurity.com
 + -- --=[ blackwidow v1.3 by @xer0dayz 













              .'    '.
             /   __   \ 
          ,  |   ><   |  ,
         . \  \      /  / .
          \_'--`(  )'--'_/
@xer0dayz  /  /` '' `\  \ 
             |        |
              \      /

 + -- --=[ https://xerosecurity.com
 + -- --=[ blackwidow v1.3 by @xer0dayz 

[+] URL's Discovered: 


[+] Dynamic URL's Discovered: 

[+] Form URL's Discovered: 

[+] Unique Dynamic Parameters Discovered: 

[+] Sub-domains Discovered: 

[+] Emails Discovered: 

[+] Phones Discovered: 

[+] Loot Saved To: 

root:~/work/github/BlackWidow# exit

Script done on 2020-10-03 15:35:05-04:00 [COMMAND_EXIT_CODE="0"]

Then I went to look for a 'blackwidow' subdirectory in my entire filesystem.

find / -name "blackwidow" -print


No other files found.

Never mind....

I had to wait longer. And find found the missing partitions ... waaaaaay over in /var/lib/docker/overlay2/65f60403c52138b109709160593701e41c9c46ce2d5bd63620f6823617a088e5/diff/usr/share/blackwidow/egbert.net_443

Surely there must be a faster way to get into the docker's filesystem once that docker run finishes then closes?

Marking this issue as invalid.

1N3 commented

I haven't actually seen that before but will try to test the Docker build to confirm. It should just install and save everything to /usr/share/blackwidow

it did save to the /usr/share/blackwidow (but it was missing the /var/lib/docker/overylay2/ part).
The command docker run returned back to its original parent shell and a natural inclination (of those who reads this README is to execute cd /usr/share/blackwidow to get to the desired reports: and that approach doesn't work.

Using the find /usr/share -name "blackwidow" -print would have found it for me.

Running fresh-install Debian 11 (bullseye), Linux 5.8.0-2, Docker.io 19.03.13+dfsg1-2
, ...