
CMSMAP blocked by WAF in Stealth Mode

blackstone250 opened this issue · 2 comments


CMSMAP scanning in Stealth Mode is activating the Firewall and the IP is blocked by a company behind WAF
Note: In Stealth mode should use Passive scan
Suggestion: Can you give us the option to not scan plugins?


1N3 commented

Just checked to confirm, but 'stealth' mode in Sn1per shouldn't use CMSMap at all (ie. sniper -t -m stealth). CMSMap is only referenced in 'normal' and 'web' mode scans.

Did you run a 'normal' or 'web' mode scan for this?

Hi @1N3 , i noted that i made changes in the web interface, by editing the sniper.conf file but it modified /usr/share/sniper/.sniper.conf intead of /root/.sniper.conf.
So i also noted that /root/.sniper.conf shoud be modified from an external editor.
Also notes that after installed Sniper and made an update action, the file /root/.sniper.conf return to default setup. It can be possible?
