
Nuclei Scanning module

ch1r0n1n opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm trying to run a web scan on my lab environment, but when Sn1per gets to the Nuclei module it gives the same error. Checking to see if this is a known issue or if there's a fix.

1N3 commented

Haven't seen this yet, but can you provide the following details?

  1. Full OS/version
  2. Full Sn1per command used to generate the above errors
  3. The Nuclei version running on your system (can be obtained by running the 'nuclei' command)
  1. Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-90-generic x86_64)
  2. sniper -f [target filename].txt -m masswebscan -w [workspace]
  3. Nuclei version 2.5.5 Templates 8.7.2
1N3 commented


Based on the error displayed, my guess is that your target list has a forward slash "/" somewhere in it which is causing the output file to break.

Can you confirm that the target list only contains either IP's, domains or hostnames and not URL's (ie. https://domain.com/)?

You can use https://target.com as a target in your target list but it can't have a trailing forward slash at the end.