
modes/discover.sh: line 25: sniper: command not found

0xPugal opened this issue · 1 comments

└─# ./sniper -t <CIDR> -m discover 
[*] Loaded configuration file from /usr/share/sniper/sniper.conf [OK]
[*] Loaded configuration file from /root/.sniper.conf [OK]
[*] Saving loot to /usr/share/sniper/loot/ [OK]
[*] Scanning <CIDR> [OK]
[*] Saving loot to /usr/share/sniper/loot/workspace/<CIDR> [OK]
modes/discover.sh: line 25: sniper: command not found
1N3 commented

Looks like there was an error in the install script. Try re-cloning and re-run the install.sh script again to fix.