
Add the get_document() method to the client

aperepel opened this issue · 4 comments


SSH Private Key is in the vault, saved as a Document category item. There's no get_document() call, but there is one in the non-connect python sdk

Use cases

Current get_item() call will return the Item object type, but it has no methods to download the actual doc?

Proposed solution

Add this method, it already was working fine with non-connect 1password client

Is there a workaround to accomplish this today?

None that I'm aware of

References & Prior Work


Hi there!

Thanks for the suggestion. I think being able to save and download a document using the Python SDK could be very useful. We will look into adding this in the future.

is there any progress on this?

#26 might be the closest thing

Is it possible to release this version to pypi?