
No wheel for 1.2.0

mafrosis opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, because this library depends on cryptography one can end up in a bit of mess trying to install from source, as building cryptography requires following dependencies:

  • gcc
  • libcffi
  • rust toolchain (!)

The previous release contained a wheel:


Unlike 1.2.0


Please publish a wheel! I spent about an hour messing about with dependencies in docker files before giving up and going back to 1.1.0 😄

Hey @mafrosis,

Thank you for raising this.
We're really sorry to hear that you've had an unlikely experience with version 1.2.0 of the Python SDK.

I believe the lack of a wheel in the latest release is caused by the transition from a manual release process to an automated one in the pipeline. It looks like we missed automating the wheel publishing. Apologies for that.

I've just published the wheel for version 1.2.0 and merged a PR with the fix for publishing the wheel automatically in future releases.

Let me know if this solves your issue. 😊