
vault list returns vault name and ID as single value

hortonew opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm not sure if this is intentional but:

 vault list op/vaults

returns something like the following, containing vault name and vault id:

vault1 abcdef123456
vault2 zyxwvu987654

adding -format=json which is vault specific, not 1pass specific outputs a list of strings:

vault list --format=json op/vaults
  "vault1 abcdef123456", 
  "vault2 zyxwvu987654",

Is there a way to output these in a list of maps/dictionarys so parsing for the vault name to vault id mapping doesn't need to occur after listing? In the case of vaults with spaces, it's harder to use this integration because we first need to look up the vault ID and then figure out the ID of the vault.

Ideal output:

  {"name": "vault1", "id": "abcdef123456"},
  {"name": "vault2", "id": "zyxwvu987654"},