Adding tab-completion to your PowerShell Functions
utterances-bot opened this issue · 3 comments
Adding tab-completion to your PowerShell Functions, Stephen Owen's technical blog about
PowerShell, Systems Administration, GUI Design and Programming.
I'm able to do tab completion for the parameter and the parameter values while running the command from the script pane.
function Hello-World
{param( [ValidateSet('Green','Red','Blue')] $Color)
Write-Host "Hello world!" -Foreground $Color
However, tab completion doesn't work when the file is in the Scripts folder like other scripts installed using Install-Script
$DestPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')+"\PowerShell\Scripts"
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("","$DestPath\Hello-World.ps1")
Invoke-Expression "$DestPath\Hello-World.ps1"
I'm able to do tab completion for the parameter and the parameter values while running the command from the script pane.
function Hello-World {param( [ValidateSet('Green','Red','Blue')] $Color) Write-Host "Hello world!" -Foreground $Color }However, tab completion doesn't work when the file is in the Scripts folder like other scripts installed using
.$DestPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')+"\PowerShell\Scripts" (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("","$DestPath\Hello-World.ps1") Invoke-Expression "$DestPath\Hello-World.ps1"
Removing the function wrapper in the file being downloaded and adding the default script folder path to $env:PATH
resolved the issue.
If (($env:PATH -split ';') -notcontains $DestPath) {$env:Path += ";$DestPath"}