Adding Autocomplete to your Textbox forms in PowerShell
utterances-bot opened this issue · 1 comments
Adding Autocomplete to your Textbox forms in PowerShell, Stephen Owen's technical blog about
PowerShell, Systems Administration, GUI Design and Programming.
Just because I find the tutorial a little bit confusing for me as a beginner, there somme change you can make:
-transform the ligne :
Get-content 'C:\Any\Path\User Records.txt' | % {$textbox.AutoCompleteCustomSource.AddRange($_) }
$aVariable = Get-content 'C:\Any\Path\User Records.txt'
and :
$textbox.AutoCompleteSource = 'CustomSource' $textbox.AutoCompleteMode='SuggestAppend' $textbox.AutoCompleteCustomSource=$autocomplete
into (3 differents lines):
$textbox.AutoCompleteSource = 'CustomSource'
It's less compact but easier to understand (and the first Get Content doesn't work for me anyway)
Have a nice day !