This repository implements a demo of the networks described in "How far are we from solving the 2D & 3D Face Alignment problem? (and a dataset of 230,000 3D facial landmarks)" paper.
- 1292765944Tsinghua University
- alanyannickCS @ UC Davis
- Allan9977
- amadeuzou
- apprisi
- chinakook
- djbailey
- elonliu
- fly51flyPRIS
- GarrickLinHangZhou
- haleuhComputational Biomedicine Lab
- hiit-tabata
- joyhuang9473
- lizhengwei1992Hang Zhou
- longcwTsinghua University
- lunzuetaVicomtech (vicomtech.org)
- luoyetxShopee
- lvchigo
- natanielruizGoogle
- pfShawn
- PierreHao
- pminminHUST
- qianxinchun
- qinghua2016
- qiufan
- rexnxiaobaihangzhou
- richardhahahahaZKTeco
- rmulton
- somewackosan francisco
- syeo
- vnhwd
- vzvzx
- Yozey
- ywu36
- ZhangMiaoZJU
- zjwzcnjsy