Class constructor Base cannot be invoked without 'new'
gduggirala opened this issue · 1 comments
gduggirala commented
Created a new model called Recipient
import {RegistrationStatus} from "./RegistrationStatus"
import * as Pring from "pring"
const property =;
const File = Pring.File;
export class Recipient extends Pring.Base{
@property _id?: string
@property fullName: string = ""
@property email: string = ""
@property country: string = ""
@property gender: string = ""
@property dateOfBirth: Date = new Date()
@property _status: RegistrationStatus = RegistrationStatus.NotRegistered
set gaurdianName(gaurdianName: string){
this.gaurdianName = gaurdianName
set gaurdianPhone(gaurdianPhone: string){
this.gaurdianPhone = gaurdianPhone
set state(state:string){
this.state = state
set recipientNumber(recipientNumber:string){
this.recipientNumber = recipientNumber
set addressLine1(addLine1:string){
this.addressLine1 = addLine1
set addressLine2(addLine2:string){
this.addressLine2 = addLine2
set city(city:string){ = city
set search(search:Array<string>){ = search
And iam trying to use this in the component as follows.
export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {
@Prop() private msg!: string;
async onClick(): Promise<void>{
console.log("I am inside click event...")
let recp = new Recipient();
recp.fullName = "My full name"
recp.recipientNumber = "+1 888 999 0000" = "" = "City name"
let temp = await>{
console.log("Error while saving ", e)
console.log("Temp received after storing is ", temp)
I used project and just added above code.
After adding the above code I am getting the following error.
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Class constructor Base cannot be invoked without 'new'
at new Recipient (Recipient.ts?8a02:18)
at _callee$ (VM3962 HelloWorld.vue:45)
at tryCatch (runtime.js?96cf:62)
at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (runtime.js?96cf:288)
at Generator.prototype.(:8080/anonymous function) [as next] (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:114:21)
at eval (tslib.es6.js?9ab4:71)
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at Module.__awaiter (tslib.es6.js?9ab4:67)
at VueComponent.onClick (VM3962 HelloWorld.vue:36)
at VueComponent.emitter (vue-property-decorator.js?60a3:112)
I am new to typescript and dont know how to interpret the errors, any help is appreciated.
Thank you,
praveenrejeti commented
Initially me also faced the same issue but after research and debug came to know that we have to configure tsconfig properly 💯
It's working by adding the repo dependency instead of installing from npm.