
Slow TTFB with ajax call

Closed this issue · 1 comments


First thank you very much for this very nice package!

I have implemented the Jplist on my development server and i have some issues with the performance. Example page (which is slow): https://prijsvergelijk.dimeshop.nl/aanbieder/Alternate/

For example when you change the order, this will take 5 seconds too load. I did some debugging and saw that the waiting time is in TTFB (Time to First Byte). I Have checked database query (mySql), but this is very fast.

I don't know how to fix this. Can you give me some help how to fix this? If you need something ask for it.
Hopefully this can be solved so that i can push this to production :-)

Thanks in advance....

Problem is solved. Was performance issue in server code.