
UTF-8 on FTP adapter

chrisooo3 opened this issue · 7 comments

Bug Report

Problem with encoding utf-8 on FTP adtaper

How to reproduce

  1. Set your config to this file:
                host: ''
                username: ''
                password: ''
                port: 21
                root: '/'
                passive: true
                ssl: true
                timeout: 30
                utf8: true
  1. Go to browser and see error:
Unrecognized option "utf8" under "oneup_flysystem.adapters.ftp_adapter.ftp". Available options are "host", "ignorePassiveAddress", "passive", "password", "permPrivate", "permPublic", "port", "recurseManually", "root", "ssl", "systemType", "timeout", "transferMode", "username".

@bytehead I am using "oneup/flysystem-bundle": "^3.0"

Yep, PR is here :)

@bytehead Thanks ;) when will you merge it? When it will be available on packagist to download it to my project?

@bytehead After your PR, ftp file upload does not work. The files are empty on the server. When I downgrade to version 3.7.0 everything works fine. May you look at it?

Weird. Can you describe your setup a bit more? How do you use the upload?

The code that is responsible for uploading file to FTP server:

use League\Flysystem\FilesystemInterface;

final class UploadToFTPHandler implements CommandHandlerInterface
    private FilesystemInterface $filesystem;

    public function __construct(FilesystemInterface $ftpFilesystem)
        $this->filesystem = $ftpFilesystem;

    public function __invoke(UploadToFTP $command): void
        $fileContents = 'którzy uczestniczyć w procesie o stary zamek, niegdyś własność';
        $fileContents = mb_convert_encoding($fileContents, 'UTF-8');

            sprintf('%s.txt', uniqid()),
            ['mimetype' => 'text/plain; charset=utf-8']

Config file:

                host: 'test.com'
                username: 'test.com'
                password: 'passwd'
                port: 21
                root: '/'
                passive: true
                ssl: true
                timeout: 30