
MountManager->getFilesystem() method not exists

fernandosngular opened this issue · 3 comments

Bug Report

When i try use $this->mountManager->getFilesystem('prefix') method, from my service... it not is working.

BC Break yes
Version 4.4.2

How to reproduce

  1. Inject mountManager for your service in the yml (in controller it not is working)
  2. Write code: $this->mountManager->getFilesystem('prefix')
  3. It not is working, if you see in mountManager class... filesystem is private methods and not way for get this information.

The mount manager actually comes from Flysystem: https://flysystem.thephpleague.com/docs/advanced/mount-manager/
I can't see a getFilesystem method there.

I see, the documentation is wrong here.

But you should be able to use your suffix for the operations:

// Read from FTP
$contents = $manager->read('ftp://some/file.txt');

// And write to local
$manager->write('local://put/it/here.txt', $contents);

// Untested, but I would give a try for you prefixed one
$manager->write('prefix://put/it/here.txt', $contents);

I see, but i think that it is confused with prefix for my project... so, i am going to inject my multiples filesystem configurations directly.
