
UserProvider Causing Page Rerender on Sign-In Check

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The UserProvider component, responsible for verifying user sign-in status, is triggering unwanted page rerenders upon completion of the loading phase. This behavior occurs as the UserProvider assesses whether the user is currently signed in. Consequently, the entire website undergoes a complete rerender post the loading phase, causing unnecessary performance impacts and disrupting user experience.

Proposed Solution
One potential solution to prevent the complete rerender after the UserProvider's loading phase is to implement an animation that hides the website content until the UserProvider completes its sign-in check. This method aims to mask the visual impact of the rerender by concealing the elements until the necessary verification is done.

This issue is critical for maintaining a smooth user experience and overall website performance. Any assistance, insights, or contributions to resolving this issue would be highly appreciated.



after review, the issue came from the products grid #23 / #61

@medshk please check