v2.0 Glorified Wishlist
20kdc opened this issue · 1 comments
20kdc commented
separated out from v1.6 wishlist
v2.0 stuff
- Scroll layouts that don't consider elements not on-screen right now
- (far-fetched) GaBIEn UI Designer: Is it possible?
- Symbols should be using PVA
"Black-Hole Data Compression" (Point of no return - past this point, merging v1.6 changes into v2.0 will become very hard)
- Replace MagicalBinder with either 'advanced' DM paths or just dedicated schema elements on a case by case basis
- RevertibleIRIO: Additional interface to create a shallow savestate of this IRIO and to restore from savestate
- All concrete IRIOs report to an IO session manager, a dummy will exist for independent IRIOs / Out Of App IO / etc.
- Nearly every piece of code in the entire project that writes to an IRIO needs to establish a session
- Concrete IRIO reporting needs to store enough data to REVERT CHANGES!!! IO session manager can choose to store this data
- Draw the rest of the owl
- Make UIMapView replacable - a new backend should be able to just throw it all out, if necessary
- Datum 100% of SDBOldParser
- A reminder: it's okay to be explicit in the Java-side of the interface because macros or such can clean it up.
- Delete SDBOldParser
- Implement a library in D/MVM for better JSON access using macros
- RMMV: Schema
- RMMV: System
- RMMV: Rendering