running ./ after clean install displays an error
Opened this issue · 5 comments
When ATM is setup and ./
is run for the first time after config.ini
is setup, the console returns:
Display test runs with positive results. I am running waveshare2in13v3
Steps to reproduce
a) clean SD image etched
b) go trough update and upgrade
c) runn ./ to setup config.ini
d) setup config.ini
e) run ./
once more and it wont run
I am not sure why console displays blink error.
that update error is because of the ancient image.
Python needs to be min 3.6 for that printf line to work.
Check your:
python --version
I recommend using a new image based on Debian Bullseye or Buster at least.
Right that very well may be...however i was able to find a workaround and that was using this:
Which is when lnbits was just implemented and this worked for me and ATM is functional
It seems to me that the steps in installation described in the master Readme arent leading to fuctioning ATM.
Yes it is obselete. However it works with the old image which is described in the readme to use when setting up. So either there needs to be a new image tested and change the readme to the new image or the instructions need to change to lets say this older PR which works with the old image - sadly this would negate the Blink implementation so id think its easier to use the new image. I can test out the new image when i will build new ATM