
ldap and dnsrecon error

Opened this issue · 6 comments

dnsrecon is not running due to the missing -d switch

It is running ldap search when 3389 is open even port 389 is not

21y4d commented

I am aware of the dbsrecon error, and I'll work on fixing it.

Thanks for bringing up the ldap issue, perhaps there's an issue with regex, so I'll work on fixing it as well.

I face another issues with sslscan, it only work on port 443, if another port is running on ssl, it won't specify the port thus making the scan failed.

21y4d commented

It should detect regardless of the port number.
Can you provide the nmap output?

This is the output, based on that it run the sslscan without specifying the port, thus default to 443

Another issues identify was error when running nikto/ffuf on web port.

21y4d commented

Ok so this seems like an issue with the dnsrecon command. Thanks for reporting it, and I'll fix the command in the next commit.

The second one can be easily fixed. Are you somehow using a proxy?

Is it possible to add in option to disable ffuf/gobuster or nikto when the sV scan return Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd 2.0 (SSDP/UPnP)?