A reusable Django app that lets users write reviews for any model
To get the latest stable release from PyPi
$ pip install django-review
To get the latest commit from GitHub
$ pip install -e git+git://github.com/bitmazk/django-review.git#egg=review
TODO: Describe further installation steps (edit / remove the examples below):
Add review
Add the review
URLs to your urls.py
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^review/', include('review.urls')),
Don't forget to migrate your database
./manage.py migrate review
The only step you'll have to take is to link to the review views. For example,
you created a Book
model, which should be reviewed by users.
Create a button and add some markup like:
<a href="{% url "review_create" content_type='book' object_id=book.pk %}">{% trans "Review this book" %}</a>
For rendering the total review average for any object, you can use the
assignment tag total_review_average
. It automatically calculates the
averages of all reviews for the given object and you can specify what range it
should have. The following examples would resemble a percentage or a stars
{% load review_tags %}
{% total_review_average object 100 as percentage %}
<p>{{ percentage }}% of our users recommended this!</p>
{% total_review_average object 5 as stars %}
<p>This object got {{ stars }} out of 5 stars.</p>
Renders the template review/partials/category_averages.html
to display a
table of categories with their average rating.
Again, you can specify what maximum rating value the averages normalize to.
{% load review_tags %}
{% render_category_averages object 100 %}
If you had 2 categories, this would per default render to something like the following example, but you can of course customize the template to your needs.
<tr><th>Category 1:</th><td>10.0</td></tr>
<tr><th>Category 2:</th><td>20.0</td></tr>
<tr><th>Amount of reviews:</th><td>2</td></tr>
An assignment tag, that simply returns the reviews made for the given object. An example usage would look like this:
{% load review_tags %}
{% get_reviews object as reviews %}
{% for review in reviews %}
{{ review.get_average_rating }}
{% if review.content %}
{{ review.content|truncatewords:'70' }}
{% else %}
Reviewed without description.
{% endif %}
<a href="{% url "review_detail" pk=object.pk %}">Review details</a>
{% endfor %}
An assignment tag, that returns the review average for the given object. An example usage would look like this:
{% load review_tags %}
{% get_review_average object as review_average %}
<p>This object is rated by {{ review_average }}</p>
An assignment tag, that simply returns the amount of reviews made for the given object. An example usage would look like this:
{% load review_tags %}
{% get_review_count object as review_count %}
<p>{{ review_count }} users have reviewed this so far.</p>
To quickly check if a user has already reviewed the given object, you can use this template tag. An example usage could be something like this:
{% load review_tags %}
{% user_has_reviewed myobject request.user as has_reviewed %}
{% if has_reviewed %}
<p>Thanks for your opinion!</p>
{% else %}
<a href="{% url "review_create" content_type='book' object_id=book.pk %}">{% trans "Review this book" %}</a>
{% endif %}
Default behaviour:
- Users can rate form 0 to 5
- Only authenticated users can post a review
- Users can post multiple reviews on one object
- Users can always update their posted reviews
If you want to change this behaviour, or if you like to add some more permission checks, read on.
If you want other rating choices than 0-5, you can define a new tuple, like:
('1', 'bad'),
('2', 'average'),
('3', 'excellent'),
Allows anonymous review postings, if set to True
Name of the URL to redirect to after deleting a review instance. This could be your review listing, for example.
Default: DetailView of the instance.
Name of the URL to redirect to after creating/updating a review instance. This could be your review listing, for example.
Or you can also specify a function, that returns the full path. The function then takes the review as parameter, so you can also access the reviewed item like follows
REVIEW_UPDATE_SUCCESS_URL = lambda review: review.reviewed_item.get_absolute_url()
Avoids multiple reviews by one user, if set to True
Doesn't work with anonymous users.
Custom function to check the user's permission. Use a function and note that the user and the reviewed item are only parameters.
REVIEW_PERMISSION_FUNCTION = lambda u, item: u.get_profile().has_permission(item)
You can limit the period, in which a user is able to update old reviews. Make sure to use minutes, e.g. 2880 for 48 hours.
You can create your own review form (e.g. if you want to make use of the review extra info). Just name it.
REVIEW_CUSTOM_FORM = 'myapp.forms.MyCustomReviewForm'
Take a look at the included test app to get an example.
You can also use a custom form to add another content object to the review instance.
If you only want to override Django's default widget for the used
, that is used in the form, you can specify this optional
# this would use a RadioSelect instead of the default Select
REVIEW_FORM_CHOICE_WIDGET = 'django.forms.widgets.RadioSelect'
If you want to contribute to this project, please perform the following steps
# Fork this repository
# Clone your fork
$ mkvirtualenv -p python2.7 django-review
$ python setup.py install
$ pip install -r dev_requirements.txt
$ git co -b feature_branch master
# Implement your feature and tests
$ git add . && git commit
$ git push -u origin feature_branch
# Send us a pull request for your feature branch