
error building with lein node-webkit-build

capitancook opened this issue · 5 comments

On windows 7 64bits I got this error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: No such var: http/default-middleware, compiling:(node_webkit_build/io.clj:48:9)

Hi @capitancook I never test it on windows, but this error comes from lein-node-webkit-build plugin, I just bumped it's version to 0.1.2(before was 0.1.0), so let me know if it helps, thanks.

Hey, am getting the exact same error also on OSX 10.8.5 (with lein-node-webkit-build 0.1.2)

After double checking the io ns of lein-node-webkit-build, checking lein deps :tree and the disabling of all my plugins still didn't work, I've just upgraded to lein 2.5.0 and it's working now... No idea why this fixes it, but the error doesn't really make much sense in the 1st place (the "missing" var is there... https://github.com/dakrone/clj-http/blob/master/src/clj_http/client.clj#L754)

Maybe adding a note about Leiningen 2.5.0 to your README would be helpful though... :)

@postspectacular Cool, thanks for your info. I will put it in the readme.

@capitancook can you check what leiningen version you use? Better to upgrade to 2.5.0.

I already use leiningen 2.5.0.
Thank you for your help.