Unify plugins system
29decibel opened this issue · 2 comments
Right now, all plugins either in the src/services
or in a gitignore folder plugins
. It's hard for people to maintain and contribute.
So the first step to improve this is to have a config file(like package.json
or bower
s configuration), which will links to git repos. When build the app, it can pull the the plugins and build them into the app.
Made any progress with this? I'm thinking along the lines of just live loading the plugins at runtime using something like https://github.com/cemerick/pomegranate.
If you're wanting to pull plugins from git rather than clojars or a maven repo, could reuse hacks from https://github.com/tobyhede/lein-git-deps.
Could support static bundling during build on top of this.
Otherwise, if you're set on pulling JS artifacts instead of source CLJS - maybe something dynamic and flexible like http://jspm.io would be a good fit