Want you add it?
shahovkit opened this issue · 5 comments
shahovkit commented
public function colorsRand($data){
$keys = array_keys($data);
for( $i=0 ; $i < count($keys) ; $i++ )
$keys[$i] = "rgb(" . rand(100, 200) . "," . rand(100, 200) . "," . rand(100, 200) . ")";
return $keys;
its randomization if no color init. $data - is array values
'type' => 'pie',
'options' => [
'id' => 'mychart',
'class' => 'chartContainer-'.Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString(rand(5,10)),
'height' => 100,
'width' => 200
'data' => [
'labels' => $labels,
'datasets' => [
'label' => "My First dataset",
'backgroundColor' => $this->colorsRand($data),
'data' => $data
tonydspaniard commented
Cool! One small thing, we should provide the mechanism to not repeat colors.
shahovkit commented
public function colorsRand($data){
$keys = array_keys($data);
for( $i=0 ; $i < count($keys) ; $i++ )
while (true) {
$color = "rgb(" . rand(100, 200) . "," . rand(100, 200) . "," . rand(100, 200) . ")";
if (!(array_search($color, $keys))) {
$keys[$i] = $color;
return $keys;
but, its worked on colors rgb(255,255,255) and rgb(255,255,254), its very similar colours
shahovkit commented
Need add verification color in ~20 range on every property(R,G,B)
shahovkit commented
foreach ($data as $key => &$val){
$val['borderColor'] = $this->colorsRand($data)[$key];
for line chart, default clors if didn't set colors
foreach ($data as $key => &$val){
$val['borderColor'] = $this->colorsRand($data)[$key];
'type' => 'line',
'options' => [
'id' => 'mychart',
'data' => [
'datasets' => $data,
'clientOptions' => [
'title'=> [
'display' => true,
'text' => 'Chart.js Time Scale'
'scales' => [
'xAxes' => [[
'type' => 'time',
'tooltipFormat'=>'ll HH:mm',
tonydspaniard commented
Thanks @shahovkit currently I have no time at all... will add it soon