
Export Binary Or Json - Flutter

mano290 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello guys,

Which format is better to export? Binary or Json for app in Flutter..

2019-12-03-00-15-www 2dimensions com


Either will work with Flutter. It depends on your needs, Binary data is more compact but mostly unreadable.
If you want to take a look at the Flare format and make small adjustments like changing a color, use JSON.

Either will work with Flutter. It depends on your needs, Binary data is more compact but mostly unreadable.
If you want to take a look at the Flare format and make small adjustments like changing a color, use JSON.

Thanks for answering...

But my question is about performance, is binary better than JSON? Is reading faster? Or do they both perform the same?

Hi, I have one question related to the same export. Is there any loss of style when you export in Binary. One of my design layers which had blur style got exported as a flat layer in binary.
Any idea what might be the reason?
And is there any way to control the styling of the layers in flutter