
Design tool

Opened this issue · 10 comments

Is the design tool downloadable so I can run it on desktop ?

Create project btw ! Really huge gamechanger.

What is the use of main.old.dart ??

And it is also showing me error on 'draw' and 'advance' methods in the same class. Attached is the screenshot of it.
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Hi @Kabir121, I’ll take a look at this soon and get back to you later today. Thanks for trying this out!

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@Kabir121 main.old.dart was a remnant from some refactoring we were doing. We've cleaned it up and are submitting the correct package to Dart Pub. Please try again and let me know if you run into any further issues!

Hi Luigi

I have one more question, I can only able to see Filip.flr on mobile and other falre files which are available in assets folder are not working. And sometimes Filip file is not not visible to me on screen.

Screenshot attached ;)
2picturemessage_gjh5vmfa snq

Does that happen when hot reloading, fresh start, or both? Could you share the project or is this just the example?

It is the sample example which I downloaded from github

@luigi-rosso Can i get an answer to the original question :) ? KInd of got hijacked by @Kabir121 :)

Sorry forgot to answer :) No, it currently cannot be downloaded. However, we have plans for making it easier to work offline. Currently your work will continue saving if you have a hiccup in your connection, and it will sync up when the connection is working again.

We are tracking the improved offline experience here: 2d-inc/support#151

Should we close this issue and track @Kabir121's issue separately? Or is that closed as well? @luigi-rosso

Yes, let's track it separately.