
microsoft authenticator setup not working

Closed this issue · 8 comments

not able to setup microsoft authenticator

trying to enter the code from the account.live.com from microsoft to add my authentication but secret key field says base 32 but the code on ms site has zeros and 8 and other digits

Steps to Reproduce

open 2fast
add account
select manual input
open browser
login to account.live.com
select security
add sign in method
select authenticator app
select next then cant scan image
at bottom is code and url
copy code or manual enter code to account in 2fast wont be able to enter all digits or link account

Windows 10/11 Build Number:

  • Windows 10 > May 2024

I think this might be the proprietary version from Microsoft. you would have to click the option to get the QR code for the TOTP standard displayed,

assets_-LSGVtOTYUIkVBoYtFvK_-Ma0d_OHfWHoSpIB9UsH_-Ma0f2nSEgIZhPdmZQef_Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 3

i did try that i got the qr code but the secret code does not match the normal code entry for 2fast to recognize it wont let me enter all the digits that is showing in my microsoft account for alternative authenticator app

I cannot reproduce this, please test the steps from one of my posts again:
#90 (comment)

1 3 width="405" alt="2" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d9c80fa9-2315-40c1-80e9-0279265f3350"> 4

followed exactly as mentioned did not work
the code suppose to be base 32 but the code on ms site has zeros and 8 and other digits

Thanks for sharing the steps.

As you can see in your picture, the authentication step is for the "Microsoft Authenticator" app. You must click in the first step "I want to use a different authenticator app". Only in this case the authenticator can be set up:

i dont have that option i chose authenticator option. even after i chose authenticator there is not option for an alternative