
Embed YouTube video on demand in an accessible manner

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

On demand, embed YouTube video's in an iframe

One or more video links playing a video in one or more target locations.

CodePen demo: Embed video iframe


  • All customisations are via inline HTML attributes and CSS. No need to edit JavaScript.
  • WCAG 2 level AA with WAI-ARIA support
  • Fully responsive, mobile-first approach.
    iframe resizes with the window.
  • Vanilla JavaScript with zero dependencies.
  • Lightweight, less than XXX KB to the browser with XXX KB CSS.
  • Just a link is presented when JavaScript is unavailable.
  • Multiple video links targeting one or more target locations.
  • Link and target area may be the same container.

Solution presented accomodates multiple video choices into a single area

Basic usage

Link to the stylesheet:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">

Define SVGs for the "close" and "loading" icons:

<svg style="display:none">
    <symbol viewBox="0 0 224 170" id="icon-youtube-play">
      <title>Play video</title>
      <path fill="white" d="M92 111l54-28L92 55V111z"></path>
      <path d="M209 46c0 0-2-14-8-20-7-8-16-8-20-8-28-2-69-2-69-2h0c0 0-42 0-69 2-4 1-12 1-20 8-6 6-8 20-8 20s-2 16-2 32v15c0 16 2 32 2 32s2 14 8 20c8 8 18 8 22 8 16 2 67 2 67 2s42 0 69-2c4 0 12 0 20-8 6-6 8-20 8-20s2-16 2-32v-15C211 62 209 46 209 46zM92 111V55l54 28L92 111z"></path>
    <symbol viewBox='0 0 150 130' id="icon-loading">
      <path d='M81.5 33l30.8-32.8c0.3-0.3 0.5-0.2 0.3 0.3 -1.8 5.2-1.7 15.3-1.7 15.3 -0.1 6.8-0.8 11.7-6.6 17.9L74.8 65.1c-0.2 0.2-0.4 0-0.3-0.2 1.5-5.1 1.2-15.1 1.2-15.1C75.4 45.6 76.4 38.4 81.5 33M105.9 54.8l43.8 10.3c0.4 0.1 0.4 0.4-0.2 0.4 -5.4 1-14.1 6.1-14.1 6.1 -6 3.3-10.5 5.2-18.8 3.2l-41.9-9.9c-0.3-0.1-0.2-0.3 0-0.4 5.2-1.3 13.7-6.5 13.7-6.5C92 55.9 98.7 53.1 105.9 54.8M99.4 86.3l13 43.2c0.1 0.4-0.1 0.5-0.4 0.1 -3.6-4.2-12.4-9.2-12.4-9.2 -5.8-3.5-9.7-6.5-12.2-14.6L75 64.5c-0.1-0.3 0.2-0.4 0.3-0.2 3.7 3.9 12.5 8.6 12.5 8.6C91.5 74.8 97.3 79.2 99.4 86.3M68.7 97l-30.8 32.8c-0.3 0.3-0.5 0.2-0.3-0.3 1.8-5.2 1.7-15.3 1.7-15.3 0.1-6.8 0.8-11.7 6.6-17.9l29.5-31.4c0.2-0.2 0.4 0 0.3 0.2 -1.5 5.1-1.2 15.1-1.2 15.1C74.8 84.4 73.8 91.6 68.7 97M44.1 75.8L0.3 65.4C-0.1 65.3-0.1 65 0.5 65c5.4-1 14.1-6.1 14.1-6.1 6-3.3 10.5-5.2 18.8-3.2l41.9 9.9c0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.4 -5.2 1.3-13.7 6.5-13.7 6.5C58.1 74.7 51.3 77.5 44.1 75.8M50.2 43.8l-13-43.2c-0.1-0.4 0.1-0.5 0.4-0.1C41.2 4.7 50 9.7 50 9.7c5.8 3.5 9.7 6.5 12.2 14.6l12.4 41.3c0.1 0.3-0.2 0.4-0.3 0.2 -3.7-3.9-12.5-8.6-12.5-8.6C58.1 55.4 52.4 50.9 50.2 43.8'/>

Add data attributes to the link.
data-video is a requirement, it only needs populating with a value if it's different to the href.
data-video_img The location of the image to use as background.
data-video_stage The id of the container to add the video to.

<div id=stage class=stage role=presentational>

    <a class=btn-video
      Play the [description] video


Add the script:

<script src="js/accessible-video-iframe.2.0.min.js"></script>

Alternate launch buttons

The video may be launched by objects other than links.
The demo shows, links (image and text-only), buttons, and just an image.


This method neither raises or lowers accessibility barriers caused by the iframe content itself.

Current status

Currently in use as part of the Tesco Bake Off campaign.
Preliminary accessibility testing performed by the Digital Accessibility Centre.

Mike Foskett @ webSemantics