
Add simple extension to user model

Closed this issue · 7 comments

deni commented

The user model should be extended so that the project becomes a foundation for the dating app.

This should include:

  • Gender (this one is tricky - which should we include?)
  • Looking for (orientation)
  • Tabs or spaces

I think we should deliberately postpone developing functionality for profile pictures, since that one is tricky (all uploaded pictures should be stripped for metadata and converted to a common format).

What do you think? Do we need any other fields? :)

Deni 🐾

I would start with three options in gender: female, male, diverse with the ability for users to create a new gender when opening their profile. The newly created gender is then added to the list of genders and available to all future users to select.

For "looking for" I would simply offer a multi-select of all existing genders in the application. Behind every gender could be a parentheses with the number of users that have selected that gender.

There might be more fields but for starters it should suffice.

deni commented

Awesome idea. Will get started.

deni commented

Ok. So this one is interesting. I might be interested in girls, but only for friendships, whereas I could be interested in boys for dates. We need to allow one to specify multiple interests that can be confined to genders.

Imagine the Friends/Sex/Relationship settings of Romeo multiplied with gender.

deni commented

I did something really cool. Looking forward to showing you.

An additional field should be pronoun as a simple CharField.

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