
Github Action: Get the path to the NodeJS file path that comes with the runner.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Languages/語言 ID
English en-Latn-US
中文 zh-Hans-CN


Q1: What is this used for?

A1: It's used to obtain the file path for the NodeJS that comes with the Github Actions Runner.

Q2: What was the original intention behind creating this action?

A2: I wanted to write actions in Rust, compile them into WebAssembly (WASM), and then invoke them using NodeJS.

Unfortunately, not all systems come with NodeJS pre-installed.

Fortunately, we can use the NodeJS that comes with the Runner.

  • If it's your own machine, you can simply add the PATH.
  • However, if you're sharing actions with others, it's best not to make significant changes to the system environment.

The Runner that comes with NodeJS is located in the externals directory, such as /path/to/runners/externals/node20/bin/node.

Quick Start

Example 1

name: test
on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - id: node_path
        uses: 2moe/node-path-action@v20
      - run: printf "${{steps.node_path.outputs.exe}}\n"

Example 2

name: test
on: push

    runs-on: self-hosted
      - id: node_path
        uses: 2moe/node-path-action@v20

      - name: Hello World
        shell: sh -e {0}
        run: |
          '${{steps.node_path.outputs.exe}}' <<'EOF'
            console.log("Hello world")
            throw Error("Panic")


  • To get the file path for NodeJS 16, change @v20 in 2moe/node-path-action@v20 to @v16

If you’re using Github Runners instead of self-hosted runners, you don’t need to use this action. You can directly use Node as a shell.

      - name: Hello World
        shell: node {0}
        run: console.log("Hello world")