
Update dnn manifest for Newtonsoft.Json to latest 13.0.3

tvatavuk opened this issue · 0 comments

Upon reviewing the DNN manifest file associated with dnn-imageflow v01.02.00, I observed that it declares Newtonsoft.Json as v13.0.0.0. However, the included Newtonsoft.Json.dll in the package is actually v13.0.3.

This discrepancy between the declared version and the actual DLL version can cause confusion and potential compatibility issues. It's important to keep version consistency to ensure seamless integrations and deployments.

Update the DNN manifest file to accurately declare the Newtonsoft.Json version as v13.0.3, reflecting the actual DLL version present in the package.

Steps to reproduce the discrepancy:

  1. Install the dnn-imageflow v01.02.00 package.
  2. Navigate to the bin directory.
  3. Observe that the Newtonsoft.Json.dll file version is v13.0.3.
  4. Open the DNN manifest file and notice the declared Newtonsoft.Json version as

Expected Result:

The DNN manifest file should declare the Newtonsoft.Json version as v13.0.3, which aligns with the actual included DLL version.

Actual Result:

The DNN manifest file declares the Newtonsoft.Json version as v13.0.0.0, which is not consistent with the actual DLL version (v13.0.3) included in the package.