
add option to save image location

cristal-node opened this issue · 0 comments

功能描述 / Feature description

download location does exist, but it is for downloading gallery (archive). but when you save single image from inside gallery, it saves under "Pictures" folder.
I propose to save it under "Pictures/fehviewer" or give the option to choose the path. tachiyomi and other manga reader have this option, to have a separate album in gallery.

备注 / Additional details

i'm using android 11, dont know how it is in ios. and #50 addressed the same issue, but it was closed with no response.

自查步骤 / Self-review steps

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  • 您已搜索过 Issue Tracker,没有找到类似的请求 / I have searched on Issue Tracker, No duplicate or related open issue has been found
  • 您确保这个 Issue 只发起一个功能请求。如果您有多个功能请求,烦请发起多个 Issue / Ensure there is only one feature request in this issue. Please make mutiply issue for mutiply feature request