
Can't log in

markowon099 opened this issue · 0 comments

复现步骤 / Steps to reproduce

Tried to login multiple times and i made sure to type the correct name and password over and over again. Tried to login using the web but there was no captcha.

预期行为 / Expected behaviour

It should log into my account like before.

实际行为 / Actual behaviour

It just loads a bit then takes me back to settings without logging me in, and without being able to do the captcha i cant login using web, and i didnt copy the cookie before so i cant login using that also.

备注 / Additional details

Everything Above.

FEhViewer 版本号 / FEhViewer version code


FEhViewer CI 版本 / FEhViewer CI version


平台 / Platform


系统版本 / System version

iOS 15.8.2

设备型号 / Device model

IPhone 6s Plus

SoC 型号 / SoC model

dunno what that is sorry

应用日志 / App logs

i pressed on the logs but it it didnt show me the file and also the UI bugged out when i do that.

自查步骤 / Self-review steps

  • 如果您有足够的时间和能力,并愿意为修复此问题提交 PR ,请勾上此复选框 / Pull request is welcome. Check this if you want to start a pull request
  • 您已搜索过 Issue Tracker,没有找到类似的问题 / I have searched on Issue Tracker, No duplicate or related open issue has been found
  • 您确保这个 Issue 只提及一个问题。如果您有多个问题报告,烦请发起多个 Issue / Ensure there is only one bug report in this issue. Please make mutiply issue for mutiply bugs
  • 您确保已使用 最新 CI 版本 测试,并且该问题在最新 CI 版本中并未解决 / This bug have not solved in latest CI version