
Add Support for ARM64V8 architecture

odidev opened this issue ยท 14 comments


The Storm docker package is building and running fine at my end for ARM64v8 architecture.

Branch used to build is:

Stable: latest: 1.2.2

Please suggest, what needs to be done to raise the request to add support for ARM64v8 arch at official docker library too.


Any update for this?
Do let me know, if some kind of PR is required for this

PR : raised here.

Please have a look and provide your guidance.


@31z4 is this something you're willing to support?

31z4 commented

Hello @odidev @tianon and sorry for the delay. Adding multiarch support is a great idea ๐Ÿ‘ But before doing this I'd love to have at least a single basic test within https://github.com/docker-library/official-images so that we can always see that a container starts for a certain architecture. You can check docker-library/official-images#3672 as a reference. The test could be something like starting nimbus and checking that its TCP port is open or checking for a certain line in logs.

Is this something feasible for you @odidev?

@31z4: Thanks for taking out some time for this too.
I will surely try to run Storm with Nimbus on my system and capture some logs.

31z4 commented

Awesome! I mean adding a simple automated test like this would help maintain the image functioning on multiple architectures.

(Just to be clear, we don't run those tests on every built image before pushing for a number of reasons such as increased load, increased publish delay, flaky tests, etc, but we do run them on any image update PR as a basic smoke test. I wouldn't recommend relying on them alone to detect multiarch issues unless you're actively running them separate from our processes. It's also fair to simply rely on users to report multiarch issues.)

31z4 commented

Thanks for the clarification @tianon. A basic smoke test is exactly what I'd love to see since I don't have a chance to run Storm on any arch except amd64.

If we decide to go without tests and enable mutiarch for Storm is there any recommended flow or past experience of solving archtecture specific issues for images?

Hi Guys,
Any update regarding storm support for arm64v8

If required then,

Shippable supports free Arm64 CI/CD and I believe Codefresh does too (both 64-bit and 32-bit for both providers):


CodeFresh Beta signup: https://goo.gl/forms/aDhlk56jZcblYokj1

If you need raw infrastructure the WorksOnArm project will supply full servers if you want to deal with metal: https://github.com/worksonarm/cluster/

Can we raise a PR for this now?
The earlier PR docker-library/official-images#4607 was closed because of ongoing discussion.

@tianon - What do you say?


31z4 commented

Hey @odidev, apologies for the delayed response here ๐Ÿ™ I've finally decided to give it a try: docker-library/official-images#4824

Hi @31z4,

It's great that you finally decided to give it a try over arm64v8.
Do let me know, if you face any hurdle and need an assistance.

I hope to see storm running officially over arm64 systems very soon.


31z4 commented
