
Primary LanguageC++

Actively learning complex reward functions for Reinforcement Learning

Setting up the repository

Due to file size limitations, code and data are split up into different archives. To set up the repository, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Download all files from the supplementary information section and place them into some directory.
  2. Run bash unpack.sh

Everything should now be placed under an acrl directory, which is assumed to be the project's root directory in the following. To reproduce the results in the manuscript, please consult the task-specific setup description below.

Now cd into acrl.

Setting up Python

First set up the conda environment by running

conda create -y -n acrl python=3.7
conda init
conda activate acrl

Run bash setup.sh to install all necessary dependencies.

Reproducing molecular tasks

To reproduce the benchmark logP/QED experiments:

  • Oracle experiment

PYTHONPATH=. python apps/mol/run_real_reward.py --task "logP" --file 0

  • Non-updated model

PYTHONPATH=. python apps/mol/run_one_model.py --task "logP" --file 0

  • ACRL

PYTHONPATH=. python apps/mol/run_three_models.py --task "logP" --file 0 --points 400 --frequency 500 --mode "st_dev"

To reproduce the molecular improvement task:

PYTHONPATH=. python apps/mol/run_mol_opt.py --file 0 --points 400 --frequency 500 --mode "random"

List of arguments (can be directly modified when using the above commands):

--task: the benchmark task at hand, can either be "logP" or "QED".

--file: csv output file name, by default a '0.csv' file will be created in the output directory.

--points: number of points to sample in ACRL, default 400 points.

--frequency: frequency of the Active Learning component, default every 500 episodes.

--mode: uncertainty sampling strategy, use "st_dev", "random" or "bin" respectively for standard deviation based, random or bin-based selection. See manuscript SI for more details.

Reproducing drag optimization

  • OpenFOAM setup. To reproduce the drag optimization results, you first need to install OpenFOAM v7 for Ubuntu or other Linux distributions. You also need to install the Swak4FOAM extension.
  • Python setup. Create conda environment from requirements_cfd.txt.

You can then run

PYTHONPATH=. python apps/cfd/opt_run.py --config apps/cfd/opt_conf.json

from the project's root directory. Under outputs, you can watch your training progress as well the results of our two experiments. Note that the script starts several background jobs for CFD simulations. The exact number depends on the number of cores on your machine. We ran training on a machine with 76 physical cores. Due to high computational cost of each simulation, we suggest to use a similar hardware setup for reproduction.

To reproduce results with both constraint variations, update the configuration sections to include either

    "min": 1.9e-3,
    "max": 2.1e-3


    "min": 1.5e-3,
    "max": 2.5e-3