
GameController Framework support

paiv opened this issue · 4 comments

paiv commented

Apple has their own framework to provide access to game controllers: Game Controller Framework Reference

I have tried it with Xbox360 Wireless and this driver, but nothing gets found:

#import <GameController/GameController.h>

for (GCController *controller in [GCController controllers]) {
    NSLog(@"CONTROLLER FOUND: %@", controller);

I could access it via SDL2.
So I was wondering, what would be the effort to add support for GameController Framework?

At a cursory glance, it doesn't look like there is a way to add non-mFi(Made for iPad/iPhone/iPod) controllers to the GameController framework.

@MaddTheSane you may want to check out https://github.com/slembcke/CCController since it seems to add some preliminary support for this.

CCController isn't a way to have non-MFi gamepads added to GameController.framework, it's just a GameController.framework-like wrapper over the HID API. So it's not especially useful, as each developer of each game would have to integrate it into their codebase.

There is a note about this in the README, so I am going to close this down.