
WIREFRAME: Homescreen

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Parent Epic: GUI_V2 #31


Multiple people can work on this story. Once a wireframe is completed, post it for discussion in the wireframes channel on the club discord.

Business Requirements

See the parent story for general details on the replacement GUI. We need a general home-screen from which the user will be able to access the three current primary functionalities:

  • Manual Drone Control
  • Save brainwave donation data
  • Brainwave Piloting: Control the drone through predictions on a brainwave stream

Considerations: At the moment there is not a system for authentication or specific users. If an authentication system is added, we would want some form of banner or navigation to a user profile section.

Technical Requirements

Using Figma create a wireframe with your design idea for the home screen. The options for the design are open ended, and the wireframing will also serve as brainstorming and opportunity for UI/UX discussion.

Acceptance Criteria

  • A wireframe is created in Figma.
  • The wireframe includes, either through direct ability on the homescreen or links to navigate to alternative screens, the three primary functionalities
  • For Midterm/Bounty submit a PR with a file to a directory named Wireframes

That new GUI Tab was implemented and added to the code repo.