
REFACTOR for release

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Make our website great again!
More precisely: better CSS and better JS (probably react or angular).

Good luck to us.

Actually, we also have back-end to refactor too. Time to dispose of linear algebra mess and use numpy.

Our (well, my) plan is to make a release for seconde chemistry; that said, it should better be done before the première year begins (2017/09/04).

The current of our website is at best a beta version, if not an alpha version. Cleanups and refactors are necessary, especially regarding front-end.

Great gods, the formal tone in your comments scares me... I'll see about that tomorrow

Well you have to blame that on my SAT classes, old sport. (Also the Great Gatsby, actually)

Tiens ... maybe I should start the summer reading

voila we'll leave it as is