
user attempting to set custom image material for plane material experiences error upon reload

Closed this issue · 2 comments

in this scene:

in the scene json there is an invalid entry for material in the
"data-layer-name": "Plane Geometry • Traffic Circle Asphalt", layer

          "material": "src: https://cdn.glitch.global/5085a5e9-103a-4cd5-8040-28a99d23d465/Layer%201%403x.png?v=1721242253414);') parentEl = document.querySelector('#street-container') parentEl.appendChild(newEl; transparent: true",


  • how did this happen? how to prevent?
  • for example, wrapper component for user specified images that itself modifies material instead of allowing user editing material directly?

it looks like this happened due to syntax error while copying and replacing src URL. this indicates we need a "wrapper" component to handle images. the source is a third-party URL.

the proper solution is #714