
The SDK 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk' specified could not be found.

arivera12 opened this issue · 5 comments

I am trying to add a project reference to a solution and this error message gets throw.

This is the code that throws the error.

sln.Result.Env.AddOrGet(new Project(XmlReader.Create(new StreamReader($@".\Solutions\{Namespace}\{Namespace}.Server\{Namespace}.Server.csproj"))));

I have net core sdk installed but couldn't figure out why this error occurs.

After trying to above solution its throws me an error when calling builder resolver telling me that the sdk have been already loaded. I added my own implementation for my needs. Thanks anyway.

3F commented

I added my own implementation for my needs.

I am a bit confused with your applied solution if we're talking about project files.
Because it sounds you are doing something wrong:

Either you don't need msbuild resolver at all, or manipulations with xml-nodes + compatible evaluator engine are just a separate conversation which is more likely related to the planned v3.0 and so on.

Don't worry I just needed to add some items to a static project file.

3F commented