
Getting projects *in build order* from .sln

DynConcepts opened this issue · 2 comments

Is there any pre-existing code that will take a solution file, a configuration/platform, and return all of the projects to be build -- in the correct order?

3F commented


The order depends on your actual goal. If you need to consider dependencies in attempt to construct list of records for correct build, yes, of course, MvsSln helps in this way with the ISlnPDManager and ISlnProjectDependencies

/// Project Build Order from .sln file.
/// </summary>
ProjectDependencies = 0x00008,

Specific implementation should be provided automatically (you don't need to do anything else) same together with SlnResult if applied ProjectDependencies

/// Solution Project Dependencies.
/// See also `ProjectReferences` class if you need additional work with project references.
/// </summary>
public ISlnPDManager ProjectDependencies

Using ISlnPDManager is very easy but here you can find full example in real project. There we discussed various cases that can affect on projects build and their dependencies.

Let me know if this doesn't fit the issue.

3F commented

I close the issue. Please provide further details if the problem still exists.