
Make ReadRefReader.buf public

wbenny opened this issue · 12 comments

I want to deserialize stream of MessagePack structures with zero-copy.

But when I create ReadRefReader with:

    let contents = std::fs::read(&path).unwrap();
    let mut deserializer = Deserializer::from_read_ref(&contents);

... and then deserialize a first struct:

    let msg = Message::deserialize(&mut deserializer)?;

I have no way of knowing where did the deserializer end.

However, if I would add this into the impl<'de, R> Deserializer<ReadRefReader<'de, R>>:

    pub fn get_buf(&self) -> &'de [u8] {

... and used it like this:

    let mut buf = &contents[..];

    let mut result = Vec::new();

    loop {
        let mut deserializer = Deserializer::from_read_ref(&buf[..]);

        if let Ok(event) = Message::deserialize(&mut deserializer) {
        else {

        buf = deserializer.get_buf();

It would work.

So the question is - am I missing something? Is there a way how to deserialize streaming MessagePack structs from buffer reference? If not - would it be possible to add the get_buf() method? And if not... could you think of a better way how to implement this?

I haven't tried parsing concatenated messages like this, so I'm not sure if the reader is reading only as little as necessary, but if it is, then you should be able to use Cursor to reuse the reader across multiple calls, or even &mut &[u8] IIRC, since it also implements Read and remembers position read.

Thanks for the prompt response!

From what I've been currently testing, it consumes only what is necessary - and I'm parsing 10k's of concatenated messages, which use various types/lists/maps/extdata.

Cursor, unfortunatelly, does not have AsRef trait, therefore, it cannot be wrapped into ReadRefReader. As for the &mut &[u8].. I don't think I understand what you meant by that. Any hint would be appreciated.

Read is implemented for &mut Read, so you can have AsRef for any reader.

Read is also implemented directly on slices, and reading them shortens the slice (mutates the slice metadata in place to remove the bit that has been read).

I think I got it (or did I?), but... it produces an error.

pub fn parse<'a>(contents: &'a [u8]) -> Vec<Message<'a>> {
    let mut result = Vec::new();

    let mut deserializer = Deserializer::from_read_ref(&mut contents.as_ref());

    loop {
        if let Ok(message) = Message::deserialize(&mut deserializer) {
        else {

// ^^^^^^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function

I'm really sorry, but I'm short of any ideas. Would you be kind enough to provide a short example? Either with &mut &[u8] or with Cursor?

So, this is working - in a sense that the result is properly filled:

pub fn parse(contents: &[u8]) -> Vec<Message> {
    let mut result = Vec::new();

    let cursor = &mut contents.as_ref(); // or &mut &contents
    let mut deserializer = Deserializer::from_read_ref(cursor);

    loop {
        let r = Message::deserialize(&mut deserializer);
        if let Ok(message) = r {
        else {

    // result

However, I still can't return the result from the function. I think I understand the reason, but I don't know how to work around it. Except for maybe rewriting the method as fn parse(contents: &mut &[u8]) - which I would like to avoid.

Confirming that it does work when I rewrite it as pub fn parse<'a>(contents: &'a mut &[u8]) -> Vec<Message<'a>>.
However, calling such function becomes quite ugly:

    let log = std::fs::read(r#"logs\log.msgpack"#).unwrap();
    let log = &mut &log[..]; // wtf
    let messages = message::parser::parse_binlog(binlog);

edit: nevermind. I mistakenly thought from_read_ref function takes &impl Read, not AsRef<[u8]>!

What I've meant about the cursor, etc. was for from_read, which takes actual Read trait.

from_read_ref is silly, because it requires that the argument can be referenced as a slice, so it's 100% redundant with from_slice. I see not point in having it. I'll mark it as deprecated.

But there isn't Deserialize::from_slice method. Only rmp_serde::from_slice that returns T. Also, for some reason I feel more and more lost with each of your new comment :) I still have no idea how to properly resolve this issue.

Deserialize::from_read_ref is really useful for my case, because otherwise there wouldn't exist any way to achieve what I want to do.

Replacing let r = Message::deserialize(&mut deserializer); with rmp_serde::from_slice::<Message>(contents) wouldn't work, because from_slice internally creates new deserializer - so it would end up in an infinite loop.

I mean this:

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct Test {
    msg: String,

fn main() {
    let mut ser = Vec::new();

    rmp_serde::encode::write(&mut ser, &Test {msg: "Hello".into()}).unwrap();
    rmp_serde::encode::write(&mut ser, &Test {msg: "World".into()}).unwrap();


    let mut reader = ser.as_slice();

    let one: Test = rmp_serde::from_read(&mut reader).unwrap();
    let two: Test = rmp_serde::from_read(&mut reader).unwrap();

    println!("{} {}", one.msg, two.msg);

You don't need direct use of deserializer or any special buffer manipulation, because Read already works with slices.

Thanks, I really appreciate you answering, however, I stressed multiple times that I'm specifically interested in zero-copy deserialization, and this example, unfortunatelly, doesn't work:

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct Test<'a> {
    msg: &'a str,

fn main() {
    let mut ser = Vec::new();

    rmp_serde::encode::write(&mut ser, &Test {msg: "Hello"}).unwrap();
    rmp_serde::encode::write(&mut ser, &Test {msg: "World"}).unwrap();


    let mut reader = ser.as_slice();

    let one: Test = rmp_serde::from_read_ref(&mut reader).unwrap();
    let two: Test = rmp_serde::from_read_ref(&mut reader).unwrap();

    println!("{} {}", one.msg, two.msg);

Ah, yes. I forgot about this complication.

Thanks @kornelski !