
Add more modules

Aitareo-Das opened this issue · 1 comments

Like Auto obsidian (places obsidian as a base to put crystals if there is nowhere to place crystals, specially required in terrain PvP), silent switch auto crystal (places and breaks crystals from your hotbar without holding it), Anti-surround (doesn't let your opponent use surround), Auto Armor, Burrow, Anchor (attracts you to hole) GUI move, noslow (the one includes sucks), view models, hole esp (the one included sucks), esp, tracers, trails, shaders, nametags, chams, aspect ratio (stretches screen), fov (more fov options), packetfly, middle click xp, phase and elytrafly

Crystal Optimizer (the normal crystal placement in minecraft works like this: send packet to place crystal, server receives, server validates, server sends a response and then u try to place another crystal, CrystalOptimizer removes the response part, so your client doesn’t need to wait for it to place another crystal, it makes ur ca better, specially if u have high ping)

Ok Dude, I am Just going to Block you at this Point.