
Can not work on Windows7,emacs,SBCL.Please Help

segatecm opened this issue · 3 comments

I use quicklisp install it, but report this message:
Unable to load any of the alternatives:
("freeglut.dll" "libglut.dll" "libglut-0.dll")

And I download freeglut.dll and put it into system/system32, but the same error was report.
i download freeglut from this website

maybe my work is wrong, please help!

I compiled this DLL a long time ago. Maybe it still works? https://common-lisp.net/~loliveira/tmp/freeglut.dll

is your os 64 bit?

put the dill in a local folder that is in the searched paths... maybe sbcl folder for sbcl.

I also had trouble with the error messages in Windows, when more than one dll was required by CFFI it reported the 1st in the series as missing when the 1st dll was actually installed correctly but another dll later in the series was missing.

the sbcl terminal console gives better error msgs than emacs slime sometimes.

I put the freeglut.dll into sbcl folder and it works now!
thanks @lusimbo and @ezrarush