
Unfortunately we couldn't use this for our Ludum Dare. Here's why

Opened this issue · 1 comments

  1. The requirement of a DOM object #dice-box. We use the Babylon canvas for EVERYTHING, and customized DOMs will break our infra.
  2. No TS typing object. This confused our linting infrastructure.
  3. Confusion with the dice-ui library and how to get that working with Babylon.
  4. No playground demo that showed how to use it with TypeScript.
  5. The requirement to copy customized assets we could handle but in the future we would highly recommend these be integrated.

We think this project is super promising; however, and would like to look at using it in the future! Keep at it!

Hi @Nexarian. This is good feedback. I'll see what I can do to tackle some of these issues.
This project was not built with TypeScript and I haven't tried incorporating it into TypeScript projects. Would JSDoc types satisfy the compilers?
The UI Library was mostly experimental modules to see if I could extend the functionality of the core project with events and listeners. It was also based on the idea of being able to switch the dice parser depending on the type of game being played.
The custom assets were designed to keep the overall payload to a minimum, but It's difficult to package assets like that with an npm module. I think a CDN might be better suited for this.