
Can't set up a simple bot

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Followed the tutorial and run the bot, this error happened

E 0:00:00.834 _do_handshake: TLS handshake error: -9984
<C++ Source> modules/mbedtls/stream_peer_mbedtls.cpp:87 @ _do_handshake()
discord.gd:477 @ _process()

btw, is this plugin still working after discord changed their api

I just tried my bot and its running fine.

What is your Godot version?
What are the steps to reproduce your error?

You can try whats mentioned in #11

Here is my set up, seems not working, my Version is 3.5.3

Is your bot token correct?

Is your bot token correct?

If this is the reset token button after the update then yes

Can you try running the project in Godot 3.4.x

Can you try running the project in Godot 3.4.x

Oh, I may know the issue, I am actually Chinese, and discord is blocked by the Fire Wall, I think I may have trouble connecting Discord's Developer Network. Thanks for your help anyway